3 French Regions with Unique Cultural Traits

Dinan, Brittany. Photo by Pedro Lastra on Unsplash

France is a country that has regions that differ greatly in terms of their history, landscape, and culture. While most of us might associate France with the version that is popularized to the world by the city of Paris, the reality is that it is an extremely diverse country with regions that are completely unique.

Here are three French regions with unique cultures that are worth exploring on your next trip to the country.


Brittany is France’s Celtic region with a wind-swept coast, rainy weather, and granite architecture that makes it something truly unique. Here, you’ll find the home of crepes, the Breton language, and a people that are fiercely proud of their one-of-a-kind identity.


The southernmost part of France, which shares a border with Spain, is a sunny, Mediterranean landscape with its own language and cultural traditions. Don’t look for crepes and baguettes here. Instead, you’ll find olive oil, foie gras, and some of the best wines on Earth.


Did you know that there’s a part of France that looks more like Germany than anything French? This border region of the country, which is located on the upper Rhine river, is the country’s most religious region and filled with timber-framed houses that evoke Bavaria more than they do France.