3 Language Apps That Will Prepare You For Your Next Trip

Thinking about learning a new language for your next trip? Try out these three language apps that are guaranteed to get you speaking.


Probably one of the most well-known language apps, Duolingo offers short lessons in over 30 languages. The app is free, and you can easily work through a lesson on your phone while you transit to your destination. You can add more than one language, and work on them if you have a backpacking trip in your future. 


Memrise is also an app-based language program, but it follows a unique 3-step format. Instead of learning the alphabet of the language, you begin with nouns and phrases that are commonly used. As you learn the words, you build up your internal word bank, which allows you to recognize specific letters and the grammar associated with the phrases. The goal is to make you confident to try these phrases out with native speakers. 

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone was originally a language learning software, but has since moved into a web-based and app-based platform. As everything is online, you can start on your tablet device and switch to your computer without missing a lesson. While Memrise and Duolingo are free, Rosetta Stone is not. It costs $479 for all five levels of a language, which is definitely pricey.