3 Ways to Make Plane Travel Easier

Photo by Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash

One of the hardest things to do when traveling is the plane ride itself. Sure, there are some people out there who absolutely love it, but most dread it, and for good reason. From the tightly enclosed space to the long flight ride, it can be hard to get through at times—but here are three things you can do to make things easier.

Watch Movies

Yes, we meant that in plural on purpose. When else do you give yourself license to just bum around and watch multiple movies on end? Plane rides are the perfect opportunity to laze around and watch every movie on your wishlist.


This may seem obvious, but for the love of all that’s good in the world, sleep on the plane! You’re going to need energy when you land wherever it is that you’re going to, and the best way to retain that energy is to sleep. You may think that it’s a hopeless endeavor, but there are many ways to get yourself in a relaxed enough mood to pass out.

Do Something Creative or Productive

Finally, one of the most underrated and effective ways to pass time in a flight is to do something creative or productive. Not only does a long plane ride provide you with the time to do it, but the act of creating something new can pass the time incredibly quickly.