5 Spanish Phrases All Travelers Should Know

Spanish phrases
Mijas, Spain. Photo by Simon Hermans on Unsplash

Did you know that 20 countries around the world speak Spanish as an official national language? That means that, as a traveler, being familiar with some Spanish words and phrases can be incredibly helpful to you as you get around and get to know the city and its culture. Here are five Spanish phrases that should be a breeze to learn and that will be a big help to you as a traveler.

Dónde está el baño?

The one thing that you want to be able to ask in case of an emergency is, “where is the bathroom?”

Yo no entiendo/Habla inglés?

Often, the most important thing to be able to communicate in a foreign country is that you don’t actually know how to communicate in the local language. That’s where these phrases, which mean “I don’t understand” and “do you speak English?” come in handy.


From experience, one of the things you’ll find yourself saying most often to strangers while traveling is “excuse me”.

La cuenta, por favor

This phrase, which means “the bill, please” will be essential for you in restaurants and bars.


This word, which means “I would like” will be useful whenever you are ordering something. Even if you don’t know the word for what you want, you can point to it on a menu or in a display.