5 Things Worth Keeping in Mind When Using Packing Cubes

Photo by Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

Many people who travel light swear by packing cubes because they can help you significantly maximize the space in your suitcase. They’ll make it possible to keep your luggage neat and organized, but there are a few things worth keeping in mind when using them—starting with these five.

Perfect Size

Packing cubes come in many different shapes and forms, so remember to use the size that suits your needs. Larger packing cubes are a good fit for clothing, while smaller ones can be used for undergarments and accessories.

Right Items

Speaking of items you should pack inside packing cubes, it’s usually best to stick to clothes. Toiletries should be packed in a leak-proof bag, especially when you’re only traveling with a carry-on.

Good Organization

In addition to maximizing space in your suitcase, packing cubes will help you keep your luggage organized, as long as you sort your clothes by category or label them to avoid confusion.

Compression Zippers

Some packing cubes come with compression zippers used to squeeze out excess air, so try to find this model because they can create a lot of extra space in your suitcase.

Weight & Space

If you’re traveling ultra-light, packing cubes will take some extra weight and space, but that shouldn’t be a problem if you put an effort into buying transparent packing cubes made from lightweight material.