Avoid These Tourist Traps in Vienna, Austria

Streets of Vienna, Austria
Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

Tourist traps are a common sight in all major tourist destinations, and Vienna, Austria, is nothing different. They might not ruin your trip completely if you fall into them, but they will definitely leave a bitter taste in your mouth. To make sure this doesn’t happen, check out some of Vienna’s tourist traps that you should look to avoid.

Vienna City Card and Vienna Pass

While Vienna City Card and Vienna Pass should help tourists to save money, they hardly do so. Sure, they give you a 10% to 20% percent discount on entry fees or free admission to attractions, but when you sum up the cost, it would only be worth it if you would go visit them all during your stay there. And even if you wanted to do that, you couldn’t since they have an expiration date.

Souvenir Shops Near Major Tourist Attractions

This should go without saying, but souvenir shops nearby major tourist attractions almost always turn out to be a trap. Whether you are looking for magnets or postcards, you will pay at least double compared to souvenir shops in malls or in other locations.

Flashy Heurigers

Heuriger is a traditional Austrian tavern where locals would gather to enjoy wine, food, and occasionally folk music. You’ll find many of them in Vienna, but many of them are just trying to cash in on this concept and offer poor service. If you are set on visiting a heuriger, stay clear of the ones with flashy signs that are packed with tourists. Instead, ask locals for recommendations or pick ones that have a more intimate vibe.