Best Ways to Enjoy Long Bus & Train Rides as a Solo Travelers

Train ride
Photo by JK on Unsplash

Long bus and train rides are not so hard to bear when you have someone by your side, but traveling solo is a different story. If you’re looking for a way to make the most of your bus and train rides as a solo traveler, this brief guide will get you there.

Do Some Planning

Travel planning can be an exhausting ordeal, and you might not find enough time to do it while at your destination. Luckily, you can put your commute to some good use and do some research about the places you can visit at your next destination.

Journaling Time

Travel journaling is a great way to preserve the memories that make each journey unique. If you’re struggling to make time for your journal after long days of sightseeing, how about doing some journaling during your train ride?

Work & Travel

Working remotely is a great way to earn some extra money while traveling, especially if you find a job that you can do while on a train or bus with a strong internet connection.

Time to Connect

Whether you’ll engage with fellow travelers or call your loved ones at home, the time will pass by quicker when you’re engaged in a quality conversation.

Enjoy the Scenery

If you’re too tired to work or plan your next trip, you can always sit back and relax. Choose a scenic route for your trip so you could enjoy beautiful landscapes along the way and capture the amazing memories with your phone.