Best Ways to Save Money on Your Next Museum Visit

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Transportation, accommodation and food are usually the top three expenses during every trip, but museum visits are often right behind. If you’re looking for a way to visit all the major cultural institutions without paying expensive entrance fees, we’re here to help you out.

Free Days

Before paying a visit to the museum of your choice, make sure to check if it offers free or reduced admission during certain days.

Museum Pass

Museum passes that give you access to multiple locations are available in many major cities, so make sure to do your research and find one that suits you.

Perfect Choice

Doing your research beforehand is also the best way to discover museums that fit your interests, instead of visiting the ones that everyone says you should.

Special Discounts

Most museums offer discounts to certain groups of visitors. For example, if you bring your student card along, you can usually save up to 50% during each visit.