Blend in with the Danes in Copenhagen with These Tips

Photo by Max Adulyanukosol on Unsplash

Copenhagen is an amazing city to visit. But just because you’re on vacation, doesn’t mean you still shouldn’t try to follow the ways of the Danes to really try to fit into the culture more!


In many cities in Europe, especially northern Europe, cycling is huge. And though it’s promoted all over Copenhagen, if you really want to fit in, check yourself before you wreck yourself. Danes are not casual about cycling, and if you’re not an experienced city biker, you can be a danger to yourself and everyone else on the road.

Instead, opt to bike in less crowded places or forgo cycling altogether, and you’ll be respected and safer. Also, if you’re keen to drink, definitely don’t take your bike unless you’re only planning on having one or two beers, because the police will be looking out for drunken cyclists.


Another road rule in Denmark concerns jaywalking. No matter what time of day it is, no matter the traffic, Danes never cross the road unless they have the green light. If you want to blend in more with the locals, do the same. Another incentive to be more law-abiding is the fact that you could actually get a fairly expensive ticket for jaywalking, and no one wants to deal with that on vacation.