Bucket List Colombian Festivals

Cartagena, Colombia
Photo by Jorge Gardner on Unsplash

Colombia, a land of vibrant culture and infectious rhythms, knows how to throw a party like no other. From the pulsating beats of salsa to the colorful explosion of flowers, Colombian festivals are a sensory delight that will have you dancing in the streets. Pack your dancing shoes and get ready to experience the fiestas that make Colombia come alive!

Carnival of Barranquilla

This lively carnival kicks off the country’s festival season with a bang. Imagine streets filled with vibrant costumes, exuberant parades, and the hypnotic rhythm of cumbia and vallenato music. Be prepared to join in the non-stop dancing and immerse yourself in the contagious energy of the Barranquilleros.

Feria de las Flores (Flower Festival) – Medellin

Medellin, the city of eternal spring, hosts the Feria de las Flores, a week-long celebration of flowers, culture, and music. Witness the breathtaking Flower Parade, where silleteros (flower carriers) display intricate flower arrangements on their backs. Enjoy live concerts, horse shows, and the famous Desfile de Autos Clasicos, a vintage car parade that adds a touch of nostalgia to the festivities.

Carnaval de Negros y Blancos (Blacks and Whites Carnival) – Pasto

The Carnaval de Negros y Blancos in Pasto is a unique and UNESCO-recognized celebration that combines pre-Columbian, African, and Spanish traditions. The festival kicks off with a day of “blacking up” – participants cover themselves in black paint – followed by a day of “whiting out” where everyone uses white powder.

Semana Santa (Holy Week) – Popayan

Popayan, the White City, hosts one of the most solemn and visually striking Semana Santa processions in South America. During Holy Week, the city’s streets come alive with elaborately costumed locals and intricate religious floats.