Can You Actually Relax On a Bus or Train?

Woman on train
Photo by Frolda on Unsplash

When traveling from point A to point B, sometimes the most affordable option is to travel by bus or train. Heck, sometimes it’s even the most practical option, or even the only option for that matter! That’s all well and good, but using public transportation comes with a few caveats. One of these caveats is that you’ll be sharing space with other individuals, and more often than not these are strangers. On long rides when you’re hoping to sleep, is relaxing and letting your guard down an option?

Is It Private?

There are times when you can hire busses or shared taxi services that can take you where you need to go, along with other tourists who are doing the exact same thing. In these scenarios, you can probably close your eyes and rest assured knowing that this is a business, and the driver is getting paid to make sure you and your belongings are protected (although in third-world countries, we’d still recommend keeping one eye open).

Protect Yourself

But in most cases, letting your guard down isn’t usually an option when it comes to public transportation. Whether it’s the New York Subway or a Thailand TukTuk, your best option is to stay vigilant and be on your guard. Most of the time no one will be out to get you. But sometimes this isn’t the case, and you want to be ready and prepared if that happens.