Chacos or Tevas: Which Side Are You On?

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

One of the biggest debates of sport sandal lovers around the globe is over which brand is the best—Chacos or Tevas? Although they look similar, there are actually a lot of differences that make people feel so passionately about one over the other! Here are some of the major differences, and we’ll leave it to you to decide which one wins!

Arch Support

Whereas Chacos are great for those who have high arches, Tevas may feel more comfortable for those with flatter feet. The soles of Chacos are much higher than Tevas.


It’s very easy to tell Chacos and Tevas apart based on the straps. Tevas typically have two velcro straps, while Chacos have one long strap that wraps around the foot and no velcro to be seen. Chacos might be the better option if you don’t like velcro. They also both have a wide variety of neutral and colorful options, so you are sure to find a style that suits you!


Price-wise, Tevas are usually at least $30 cheaper than Chacos. If you’re on a budget, Tevas are equal quality for a lower price, but if the factors mentioned earlier are important to you, it might be worth it to spend a little extra for Chacos.