Don’t Forget to Pack These Essentials for Your Next Ski Trip

Man skiing on ice hill
Photo by Maarten Duineveld on Unsplash

When packing for their ski trip, people often fail to take into account all the challenges that the mountain has in store for them. Or they pack in a hurry and forget some important essentials. Of course, they realize the mistakes they made upon coming to the ski resort, but it’s often too late.

While packing mistakes won’t make or break your ski trip in most cases, it is better to avoid forgetting things. Here are some of the essentials you should pack for your next ski trip and each one after that.

Proper Ski Clothes

It isn’t only important to have warm clothes for your ski trip, it also has to be proper ski clothes. This means a waterproof jacket, pants, and gloves, as well as fitting ski socks and footwear.

Full Ski Gear 

Don’t just take your skis and snowboard and think you are good to go. Make sure to bring your full ski gear, helmet, and goggles included in order to have the best ski experience.

First Aid Kit

Skiing isn’t exactly the most harmless sport, and smaller injuries like cuts or bruises are bound to happen. Having your first aid kit with you will allow you to treat them properly.

Sunscreen and Lip Balm

It might not be summer, but sunscreen is a must-have year-round and especially when you are on the mountain if you want to protect your face. Also, the cold and wind will dry out your lips, so having lip balm around will do you good.


Sure, it might sound strange to bring swimwear to the mountain, but you will most likely need it. Most ski resorts have swimming pools or hot spring baths, and you don’t want to miss out on that.