Don’t Let These Tourist Traps Spoil Your Trip to San Francisco, California

Cable Car in San Francisco, California
Photo by Daniel J. Schwarz on Unsplash

San Francisco, California, is known for its amazing tourist attractions but also for its notorious tourist traps. Falling into these traps might not entirely ruin your visit to the Golden Gate City but leave a bitter taste in your mouth.

To avoid this from happening, here are some tourist traps that you should avoid while visiting San Francisco.

Cable Cars

San Francisco’s cable cars are iconic, but they are totally not worth it. You will have to endure crowds of tourists wanting to hop on one and then “enjoy” a ride, during which you’ll likely be crammed into one corner without getting the opportunity to really enjoy it.

Alcatraz Island

This might be controversial since Alcatraz Island is usually billed as one of the top tourist attractions in San Francisco. But that is only the case if you are really into imprisonment history and like peaking into abandoned jail cells. The tour of the island is not only expensive, but it also comes with a long waiting list, and there is really not much to do there. So you are better off getting a good look from afar.

Fisherman’s Wharf

Most tourists who visit Fisherman’s Wharf end up getting disappointed. Sure, it has plenty of souvenir shops and food establishments, but the souvenirs are pricey, and the food is not all that good. On top of that, the place is overcrowded and full of people trying to scam and trick tourists for money.