These Amusing and Funny Situations Can Only Happen on the Beach

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Beaches are a wonderful place to enjoy a warm and sunny day. It’s a perfect way to relax, even though it sometimes gets very crowded. And while most beach days are calm, every now and then you are bound to encounter some wild things. Whether you are with your friends or family, you never know what you will see when you go to the beach.

Check out the gallery below for some of the funniest and most absurd beach photos captured at the perfect moment.


Flying High

Surfing can be a lot of fun if you know what you're doing. But sometimes, even the most experienced surfers can have a hard time. This guy undoubtedly caught the perfect wave, until it decided to spit him out. He found himself 10 feet in the air and flying towards the beach.

Flying High

He looks very calm for the situation he’s in, even though he’s about to feel a lot of pain. Hopefully, there will be someone to help him when he eventually lands. He’s got a great Instagram photo though!

Off-Road Driving

We have no idea how this driver found himself in this situation, but we can make a wild guess. Perhaps he was cruising the beach when the tide suddenly came in and caught him off guard. Maybe he decided to have some off-road fun and ran into the water. Or perhaps he fell for the oldest trick in the book: “Oh, I know a shortcut…”

Off-Road Driving

Whatever the case may be, the driver was forced to watch as the sea mercilessly took his truck before his very own eyes. All he can do now is wait for the tide to recede and hope his truck isn’t totaled.

Sun Protection

People go to the beach for two things: sunbathing and swimming. Of course, the sun can be devastating if you overdo the sunbathing. It is only natural to protect yourself with various sunscreens and enough shade. But this person definitely took caution to a whole new level and wrapped up like a mummy from head to toe.

Sun Protection

It is a weird way to chill at the beach when you can’t even enjoy the lovely ocean view. But who are we to judge? Let’s hope she applied enough sunscreen as well.

Better Safe Than Sorry

Going to the beach is an excellent experience and a wonderful way to spend the day. However, it comes with its downsides. Beaches are usually crowded and there is a big chance that you will lose something.

In most cases, it’s your sandals or flip flops. Whether they are stolen or taken unintentionally, the result is the same. But something like that can't happen to this beachgoer as they decided to chain their flip flops to a fence.

Better Safe Than Sorry

It’s a very unusual, but ingenious way to protect your footwear. Before anyone starts judging, the flip flops may have sentimental value to the owner.

Happy Face

Visiting the beach for the first time is a special feeling. Happiness and joy just take over your whole body, and it seems like this is the case with all living beings.

This horse is definitely ecstatic about his first visit to the beach. Just looking at his face, you can tell it’s happy to stomp on the sandy beach and fool around in the water. Horses are incredibly smart animals and when they are out of their natural environment, they know it and start behaving differently.

Happy Face

Let’s hope this horse is here to stay. Perhaps he can be hired for romantic rides on the beach.

Swim If You Dare

If this sign doesn’t stop you from taking a dip in the ocean, nothing will. The authorities wanted to make it clear that there is no swimming allowed. The red flag alone is a good indicator that something is wrong. Below it, you can see a big danger sign. And if all of that isn’t enough, there is a crocodile warning at the bottom.

Swim If You Dare

We’re not entirely sure when crocodiles were last spotted in the ocean. But looking at this sign, we wouldn’t want to stick around and find out. If you wish to test your luck, go right ahead.

Originally published on our site