\nThis woman is clearly trying to block out all the negatives and just wait for the day to be over under a towel. And if she compromised going to the beach with her boyfriend, he should’ve at least brought her some shade.
"],"title":"Not for Everyone","image":{"name":"lj0hrjq9f093igbg.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":644,"height":390},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":242}}}},{"text":["They say it is better to be safe than sorry. But these two seem like they have taken this advice too literally. It appears to be that they are going for a swim with custom shark protection. \nYou never know what is lurking in the deep blue. But we are fairly certain this will provide zero protection from the fierce predator. In fact, there’s a bigger chance they’ll drown than be attacked by a shark. \nJokes aside, we have no idea what these contraptions are. And like with all photos on the internet, we’ve assumed the most plausible thing!
"],"title":"Custom Shark Protection","image":{"name":"ax37kb85kmdyec7m.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":650,"height":499},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":307}}}},{"text":["Everyone is entitled to their fair share of bad days. But this surely has to be one of the worst beach days ever. This poor man just wanted to get to the beach, get his boat in the water and enjoy the beautiful weather. \nUnfortunately, he ran into a pole. To make things worse, his boat decided to follow soon after and smash the truck from the rear. Hopefully, no one was hurt. When you imagine a great day at the beach, this would definitely not be something you think of.
"],"title":"Having a Bad Day","image":{"name":"49d0vwewflcv8khq.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":650,"height":399},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":246}}}},{"text":["More often than not, the sea washes up some strange stuff onto the beach. And while most of it is garbage, sometimes you can find valuable treasure. It may not be a chest full of gold or a box with diamonds in it. Sometimes, it can be a piece of history that is equally valuable. \nThis old cassette is an interesting sight, seeing how cassette players haven’t been in use for almost two decades. You must be wondering where the cassette came from or even what’s on it. This is something we’d love to find out too.
"],"title":"An Old Cassette","image":{"name":"7otmrlxlsigo639h.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":648,"height":393},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":243}}}},{"text":["Cows usually don't enjoy the beach so this one is either lost or having an identity crisis. Maybe it feels more like a sea cow, rather than a land one. Who knows? We’ve all been in that age where we constantly questioned and explored ourselves. \nOr maybe it’s just enjoying the beautiful moment, experiencing that special feeling when you first visit the beach and waves touch your feet. Life on a farm is hard and often boring. This cow escaped its reality, at least for a few minutes.
"],"title":"The Sea Cow","image":{"name":"kfbg5m8fhdvwkb3m.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":651,"height":345},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":212}}}},{"text":["This photo goes to show that nothing can ruin a perfect day on the beach. There is a massive fire in the background, but no one seems to be bothered by it. \nThe girl in the photo looks very happy and is striking a pose with a beer in her hand. The other three girls in the background are just chatting and not minding the big black and gray smoke that rises above. \nPerhaps fires are common there and no one cares to bother anymore. Or it may just be a regular part of the beach day.
"],"title":"Completely Unfazed","image":{"name":"q3v71upmbq5efzwc.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":701,"height":330},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":188}}}},{"text":["When there are huge waves, the beach can get pretty hectic and loud. All of the kids are screaming as they are bashed ashore by massive waves. Parents are probably screaming at their children to be careful and avoid hurting themselves. \nMost of that screaming is ignored, as it is very common for a beach day. But this photo perfectly captures the moment when screaming is not overreacting and shouldn’t be ignored. \nAs seen in the photo, one kid was able to dodge the incoming wave, while the other was completely rolled over by massive impact. Waves can be dangerous and extreme caution is advised whenever you want to play with them.
"],"title":"Getting Rolled Over","image":{"name":"e5a39uf6bkwgw8qc.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":650,"height":535},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":329}}}},{"text":["When you go to the beach, you better bring quality items with you. Be it a beach chair or a sunshade, it has to have good endurance. Even if you ignore the man on the ground, you’ll probably notice how fragile these chairs look. \nUnfortunately, this man had to learn it the hard way. He was probably getting ready to sit back and enjoy the view when the chair completely broke and sent him to the ground. Luckily for us, someone was there to capture the perfect moment of anger, confusion, disbelief, and pain.
"],"title":"Groundbreaking Chairs","image":{"name":"ywmoaoc3bbx27u7m.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":650,"height":548},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":337}}}},{"text":["When you visit a beach, you’ll most likely share it with other people. But we reckon sharing ice cream is reserved for loved ones only. Well, this photo strongly disagrees. This person is more than happy to share ice cream with a bird. \nAnd looking at the photo, we’re unsure of the bird’s position. Its head is upside down, so we can only assume it is sitting on this person’s head. While we feel it’s definitely an interesting choice of companion, we are not here to judge.
"],"title":"Sharing Is Caring","image":{"name":"duorsn8z61exryi6.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":1281},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":712}}}},{"text":["Similar to jumping out of happiness, animals can also jump out of fear. And this dog gives a new meaning to jumpscare. \nA lovely day at the beach turned out to be a terrifying experience. We’re not entirely sure what the dog saw that made him so afraid and jump in shock and fear. But the look on his face reveals he’ll probably have severe trauma afterward. \nBeach days are supposed to be full of excitement, running around, and splashing in the water. But we bet this dog won’t be returning to the beach any time soon.
"],"title":"Jumpscare","image":{"name":"jff84j8mfjaubebp.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":640,"height":622},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":389}}}},{"text":["An adorable couple wanted to have a memory of their fun day at the beach, so they asked one old lady to snap a photo of them. What a mistake that was. \nSince older people aren't always good with technology, you should always guide them through the process even if that means taking a simple photo with a phone. This lady didn't realize that the selfie camera was on, so she just pressed the button and hoped for the best. \nThe couple ended up having a photo to remember, just not the one they had hoped for.
"],"title":"Photo To Remember ","image":{"name":"rbpow0fyyj96ifmg.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":720,"height":960},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":533}}}},{"text":["Forget about towels, chairs or beach loungers. If you want to be comfortable at the beach, bring a couch and you will be able to chill out properly. This way you can have the comfort of your home and a relaxing experience on the beach all in one. \nJust look at these two. They are not even moved with what's happening around them and we are almost certain that the person on the right is sleeping. Chill just got a new meaning if you ask us.
"],"title":"Chill Just Got a New Meaning","image":{"name":"vcgfy07zrcrf3hdz.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":612,"height":612},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":400}}}},{"text":["Sometimes the funniest and most interesting signs can be found at the beach. This one is pure trolling for all people who wear shades when it’s dark. The sign says: \"No sunglasses at night! Don’t act cool.\" \nWe wonder what pushed someone to make this sign. Were people actually wearing sunglasses at night? If so, wouldn’t that make them blind? Moreover, did the government financed this sign? Or was it a product of someone’s imagination? \nSo many questions over a sign posted online. We really need to get out more.
"],"title":"Don’t Act Cool","image":{"name":"dobq1ot6b1i767k5.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":480,"height":640},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":533}}}},{"text":["Taking millions of photos has become a normal thing nowadays. Most people like to experiment with poses or just capture a certain part of the body. When you’re on the beach, that part of the body is your legs and feet. \nThis couple decided to capture their feet, but with an interesting addition. They included another family member in the photo - their dog. The picture is really funny and interesting and we must say we’re impressed by the dog for standing up so straight.
"],"title":"Unusual Leg Photo","image":{"name":"h4llda7nb9dbhak2.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":640,"height":427},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":267}}}},{"text":["Having something to eat on a beach can invite some unwanted guests. All birds that roam around the beach are used to people and will not fly away in their presence. In fact, most will help themselves with whatever food you’ve got. \nThis bird decided to grab a bite of the donut. We’re not sure if this was intentional or not, but we applaud this person. It takes skill to hold donut in one hand and capture the moment perfectly with the other. It also takes heart to share this very tasteful donut with a wild animal. We wonder if any was left.
"],"title":"Grab a Bite","image":{"name":"9emnhal6wjzzsn0a.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":639,"height":480},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":300}}}},{"text":["Local authorities sometimes go above and beyond to warn everyone of sunburns. This local beach sign is very funny and innovative. Plus, it is very catchy and easy to remember. It warns all visitors to apply sunscreen and avoid the sun if their skin tone matches the color of the sign. \nMost people enjoy the beach too much and simply forget to seek shade or constantly protect their bodies. Having this sign around will be a perfect reminder for them.
"],"title":"Sunburn Warning Sign","image":{"name":"xmkxk5g47pci12j7.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":480,"height":640},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":533}}}},{"text":["It is impressive what people are able to think of when they are bored. After getting enough of swimming and sunbathing, this group of friends found a cool activity to pass their time instead of searching the first WI-FI hotspot. \nThey decided to draw all sorts of goofy faces in the sand and then apply them to their shadows. We have to admit that the final result is quite impressive. This amusing photo certainly deserves to get tons of social media likes.
"],"title":"Goofy Faces ","image":{"name":"fl66pzgk7iqnl05u.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":640,"height":480},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":300}}}},{"text":["At first glance, we're not really sure what going on here, and our guess would be these two ladies somehow found this Australian blobfish kakapo aka the world's ugliest animal, and are adding it to their picnic. \nHowever, a closer look reassures us there's nothing dodgy about this photo. What appears to be a fish is in fact a hat!
"],"title":"Blobfish","image":{"name":"rtujzgqgw4zw242p.jpg","dimensions":{"desktop":{"width":640,"height":853},"mobile":{"width":400,"height":533}}}}]}; Beaches are a wonderful place to enjoy a warm and sunny day. It’s a perfect way to relax, even though it sometimes gets very crowded. And while most beach days are calm, every now and then you are bound to encounter some wild things. Whether you are with your friends or family, you never know what you will see when you go to the beach.
Check out the gallery below for some of the funniest and most absurd beach photos captured at the perfect moment.
Surfing can be a lot of fun if you know what you're doing. But sometimes, even the most experienced surfers can have a hard time. This guy undoubtedly caught the perfect wave, until it decided to spit him out. He found himself 10 feet in the air and flying towards the beach.
He looks very calm for the situation he’s in, even though he’s about to feel a lot of pain. Hopefully, there will be someone to help him when he eventually lands. He’s got a great Instagram photo though!
We have no idea how this driver found himself in this situation, but we can make a wild guess. Perhaps he was cruising the beach when the tide suddenly came in and caught him off guard. Maybe he decided to have some off-road fun and ran into the water. Or perhaps he fell for the oldest trick in the book: “Oh, I know a shortcut…”
Whatever the case may be, the driver was forced to watch as the sea mercilessly took his truck before his very own eyes. All he can do now is wait for the tide to recede and hope his truck isn’t totaled.
People go to the beach for two things: sunbathing and swimming. Of course, the sun can be devastating if you overdo the sunbathing. It is only natural to protect yourself with various sunscreens and enough shade. But this person definitely took caution to a whole new level and wrapped up like a mummy from head to toe.
It is a weird way to chill at the beach when you can’t even enjoy the lovely ocean view. But who are we to judge? Let’s hope she applied enough sunscreen as well.
Going to the beach is an excellent experience and a wonderful way to spend the day. However, it comes with its downsides. Beaches are usually crowded and there is a big chance that you will lose something.
In most cases, it’s your sandals or flip flops. Whether they are stolen or taken unintentionally, the result is the same. But something like that can't happen to this beachgoer as they decided to chain their flip flops to a fence.
It’s a very unusual, but ingenious way to protect your footwear. Before anyone starts judging, the flip flops may have sentimental value to the owner.
Visiting the beach for the first time is a special feeling. Happiness and joy just take over your whole body, and it seems like this is the case with all living beings.
This horse is definitely ecstatic about his first visit to the beach. Just looking at his face, you can tell it’s happy to stomp on the sandy beach and fool around in the water. Horses are incredibly smart animals and when they are out of their natural environment, they know it and start behaving differently.
Let’s hope this horse is here to stay. Perhaps he can be hired for romantic rides on the beach.
If this sign doesn’t stop you from taking a dip in the ocean, nothing will. The authorities wanted to make it clear that there is no swimming allowed. The red flag alone is a good indicator that something is wrong. Below it, you can see a big danger sign. And if all of that isn’t enough, there is a crocodile warning at the bottom.
We’re not entirely sure when crocodiles were last spotted in the ocean. But looking at this sign, we wouldn’t want to stick around and find out. If you wish to test your luck, go right ahead.