Here are 3 Outdoor Activities to Try While Visiting Mountainous Areas

rock climbing
Photo by Sean Benesh on Unsplash

Many people find themselves drawn to mountains. The dramatic views of towering peaks and sweeping ridges fill people with a sense of awe and wonder. Mountainous regions also offer great opportunities for outdoor activities. Exploring the hills and valleys by hiking is great, but if you’re looking for something new to try then here are three exciting options.

Rock Climbing

Hiking up steep paths is great, but to gain a new perspective on the landscape why not try climbing these rocky faces vertically? There will be lots of places offering beginner courses, and if you have ever tried indoor bouldering you’ll have a headstart.


Mountainous regions usually have stunning rivers running through the area. While these are amazing just to look at, you can take it a step further and immerse yourself in the rushing water in a kayak. There will be plenty of guided experiences so don’t fear if you’re a complete beginner.


This might sound terrifying, but so many mountainous areas have centers that offer paragliding experiences with a trained instructor. You can enjoy the pure excitement and joy of gliding through the air above stunning peaks but with the safety of being with an expert. This can be costly, but getting to fly above mountains like an eagle is well worth the price.