Here Are Some Tips For Backpacking in the Rain

Photo by Blake Cheek on Unsplash

There’s only so much you can control when you’re backpacking around the world, and this is especially the case when it comes to weather. You can try and pretend that you’ll be able to avoid every drop of rain or snow, but at some point, you’re going to encounter some natural setbacks. However, once you embrace the fact that you’re going to get wet, here are the best ways to deal with it.

Have a Dry Stock

You should definitely have a basic set of clothes and sleeping bag stored deep within your backpack, even when it’s pouring rain. That way, no matter how wet you get, you can at least breath easy knowing that you’ll have something warm to snuggle up in later.

Layer Up

As simple as it sounds, it works like a charm. Even though it might be annoying, especially in tropical areas where it’s rainy but also hot, you’ll stay dryer by wearing fewer layers.

Pick Good Tent Spots

Here’s where it’s important to do a bit of research while you’re traveling. If you’re out in the woods, or off in some mountain, ask a local where the best place to put your tent should be. If you’re still in doubt, use some common sense and find a makeshift shelter.