Here is What You Need to Know Before Traveling to Suriname

Paramaribo, Suriname
Paramaribo, Suriname. Image by Lindau Karijopawiro from Pixabay

Suriname is the hidden gem of South America. While not exactly a tourist hotspot, the country offers plenty of great experiences to its visitors. This includes the captivating flora and fauna of its Amazonian rain forests, breathtaking waterfalls, and vibrant cultural offerings. However, there are some things you should know before heading there.

You Need a “Tourist Card” to Enter Suriname

Suriname doesn’t require U.S. citizens to get a visa. However, upon their arrival at the Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport, the most common point of entry for tourists, they will need to obtain a “Tourist Card.” It costs $25 and allows you to stay 90 days in the country for tourist purposes.

Credit Cards Are Not Widely Accepted

Aside from major hotels, you might find trouble getting your credit card accepted as a form of payment in Suriname. This is especially the case in rural parts of the country. Your best bet is to have cash on you at all times, preferably the U.S. dollar, which can be easily exchanged for local Surinamese dollar or used as a direct form of payment.

Most People Speak English

Dutch is the official language of Suriname, but you won’t have trouble speaking your way through the country. Most people speak English as their second language.

Tap Water is a No-Go

Tap water is unsafe for drinking or even brushing your teeth with. For these purposes, use bottled water that is easily available in markets and hotels.

Medical Care is Limited

It would be wise if you would invest in travel health insurance before heading to Suriname. The country’s medical facilities are below standard, and finding medications can be troubling.