How To Get Inter-Seasonal Packing Right

Fall travel
Photo by Irina Iriser on Unsplash

If you’re vacationing in the northern hemisphere anytime between late August and early October, planning inter-seasonal packing can be a nightmare. Who knows whether the weather will be blamy and warm, stormy and wet, or even unusally cold? If you need some tips on how to get inter-seasonal packing right, read on for three key tips.

Get The Basics Right

If you’re going away for a week, plan three or four key outfits which rely on classic basics. Think wide-legged jeans with a black cami, a soft turtleneck underneath a maxi-dress, or a cute mini-skirt paired with a crisp white shirt. Make sure these basics can be mixed and matched. By getting the basics right, you will only need to make a few adjustments to your core outfits to make them suitable for the season.

Consider Your Shoes

Few of us can afford to lug around an entire wardrobe’s worth of shoes when we go on holiday, so make one or two excellent choices. Perhaps a pair of sturdy, simple flats for the daytime (steer away from strappy sandals, just in case it’s wet or cold), and maybe one pair of heeled boots for the evening? Even if it doesn’t feel like boots weather just yet, it’s better to be safe than sorry if it starts raining torrentially mid-evening meal.

Bring One Coat

Most baggage allowances won’t enable you to bring more than one outer layer, so choose wisely. Ideally, you will have a chic, waterproof trench coat that can also keep you warm. If you don’t own such a coat, prioritize a waterproof one, and slip an extra jumper in your case for when it gets cold.