Kopi Luwak is a Bizarre and Unique Asian Coffee

Image by Peter Biela from Pixabay

Upon visiting Southeast Asia, you might make your way to Indonesia. This majestic country is home to many islands, including one of the most famous ones: Bali.

If you haven’t heard about Civet Coffee, it’s a type of coffee that you must try at least once in your life. It’s not just your regular cup of Joe; the way it’s made is quite unique and people say it’s much healthier than traditional coffee beans.

This special coffee is found mostly in Asia — in Indonesia and the Philippines. It’s considered one of the most expensive coffees in the world and for a special reason. Read on to find out why.

How is it Made?

Kopi Luwak, or Civet Coffee, is coffee derived through the help of civets. They consume the coffee cherries, and after it goes to the bathroom, the cherries from the civet undergoes a fermentation process. It might sound gross at first, but this is how the coffee becomes more potent and valued.


Kopi sounds a lot like coffee because it translates to coffee in Indonesian, and the role of the civet is vital in creating this strain of coffee. The final process of coffee making involves washing to remove any remaining dirt and bacteria. Regular coffee beans also have dirt and bacteria in them, and it’s all in how you sanitize and clean it afterward. Rest assured, Kopi Luwak is sold many places around the world and in Asia, so it makes it a delicacy and also a unique way of preparing coffee.