Most Common Tourist Scams You’ll Encounter in New York City

Tourist in NYC
Photo by Michel Stockman on Unsplash

New York City, New York, is a city where you’ll have an awesome experience as a tourist. Whatever you’re into, whether it’s architecture, art, or entertainment, you’ll find that the city offers it all and in large quantities. However, not everything about NYC is so great.

With so many tourists coming and going, New York City has become a place where you can encounter many tourist scams. Here are some of the most common ones that you should watch for while there.   

Unofficial Cabs

If you are taking a cab from an airport, make sure it’s an official one. Often, unofficial taxi drivers will approach you and offer you a cheaper ride to your destination. But once you get there, you will be charged a lot extra.

“Free” CDs

New York City is full of aspiring musicians who will hand you their CDs in hopes you will listen to their music. However, beware of taking them, as they might not actually be free. Sometimes, the musician will ask you for a tip and get offended if you don’t comply. One sign that the scam is obvious is if they offer to sign it.

Metro Tickets

You should always buy a metro ticket from an official sell point. You will encounter people in metro stations offering metro tickets for a discount, but they are often either all used up or have fewer rides than you paid for.

Broken Glasses

Another common scam in NYC is the “Broken Glasses” scam. You’ll be walking down the street looking touristy, and someone will bump into you. They will pretend they dropped their glasses or phone and smash them while asking you to cover the damages. Don’t fall for this and leave the scene as soon as possible.