Nature Hikes Are More Important Than They’ve Ever Been

Nature hike
Photo by Jake Melara on Unsplash

Out of all the different things you can do while traveling, hiking is arguably the most beneficial to your soul. Taking yourself on nature trails, from easy routes to much harder terrains, has always had its various benefits. But nowadays those benefits have skyrocketed. Here’s why going on hikes in the modern era is so much more important than it’s ever been in the past.

We Need it to Combat Device Addiction

One major difference between today and hundreds of years ago—or even 50 years ago for that matter—is that everyone today is addicted to their devices to a certain extent. Smartphones, tablets, laptops, and the endless media platforms that come with them, have garnered everyone quite reliant on technology. Nature is the antidote to this affliction, which is why hiking is so important today.

Being Proactive

But it’s not enough to tell yourself that you’re going to merely go on a few hikes occasionally. Whether you’re traveling or not, it would behoove you to proactively push yourself to detach yourself from technology on a very frequent basis. Almost to a rebellious extent, you can fight fire with fire—and in this case, fire is the sweet natural abyss of fresh air, beautiful mountains, and enchanting forests.