Remember These Tips Next Time You Check into a Hotel

Photo by Oswald Elsaboath on Unsplash

After a long bout of traveling, most of us cannot wait to flop down on our hotel bed and sleep off the jet lag. But before reaching your room, you must go through the check-in process. While this is typically a quick and seamless procedure, it certainly sets the tone for your stay. Here are some tips to make sure you get the most out of it. 

Pick the Right Room

If you’re a light sleeper, this is one to remember. Guests who have a habit of hearing everything go bump in the night should request a room that is far away from the elevator, facing a courtyard or fairly quiet street, and on a higher floor.

Hide and Seek

When booking your stay, you were presented with a price—but what does that cost actually entail? Some places charge extra to take advantage of amenities, so best to ask during the check-in. The last thing you want is to be subjected to a list of hidden fees upon check-out!

Better Late than Never

If you’re the type who is never ready on time, ask if you can have a late check-out whilst checking in. It may not be possible, but some hotel groups, like the Hoxton Hotels, have tried to accommodate guests by introducing Flexy Time which does away with restrictive check-in and check-out times.