How good is your selfie game? Chances are you have a ton of them on your social media right now. But how far would you go for the perfect photo? Well, some people will do almost anything for it and sometimes, they end up being pretty dangerous.

Image via @sirgathelioness / IG
We’re talking about scaling skyscrapers, hanging off cliffs, and posing with wild animals. How’s that for a rush? The one thing we can agree on is these people went through extremes to get selfies. But, was it worth it? We’ll let you decide.
Among the Skyscrapers
Recognized as the most dangerous selfie in the world, this photo taken by Angela Nikolau in Tianjin, China is definitely not for those afraid of heights. We can’t help but wonder how she got up there. We’re shaking just thinking of being up there that high.

Image via @angela_nikolau / IG
Believe it or not, this is just one of many dangerous photos on Angela’s Instagram. The “extreme model” has many photos hanging off buildings and doing yoga on rooftops.
Feeling TREEmendous
This selfie was captured in Yekaterinburg, Russia and it happens to be a hotspot for people looking to take dangerous selfies. If you find this photo scary, you’re not the only one—the Russian Interior Ministry thought so too and they even launched a campaign titled “safe selfie” to promote safe selfie-taking!

Image via @makhorov / IG
Apparently, so many young thrill seekers in Russia have gone through extremes to get the perfect selfie that it’s resulted in lots of injuries and deaths. So, think twice before taking that picture.
GORGEous Views
True risk takers flock to Rio de Janeiro's Serra do Mar for this incredibly dangerous selfie. There’s a gorge bridge with active trains, which makes for a breathtaking photo. But to get these photos, some people have paid the ultimate price. Just look at Herba who’s trying to smile, but looks scared to death.

Image via @herba_marcelo / IG
While these photos are amazing, they’re far from safe. Nearly a dozen people have fallen off bridges while taking selfies since 2014. We can’t say we’re surprised.
Totally Trained
As if the thought of trains getting derailed wasn’t heart wrenching enough, how about hanging out of a moving one. Apparently, train selfies are a thing and they’ve become such a problem in some countries like India and Sri Lanka that they’ve been banned.

Image via @balkan.beast / IG
Let’s hope this man wasn’t from one of those places as he’s risking his life to get the selfie. He even captioned the photo, “Back when I needed to get some fresh air.” We’re loving his chill attitude.
Just an Average Day
For some, taking dangerous selfies seems to be a pastime and such is the case with Daniel Lau. This daredevil has more photos off the ground than on it and each one is more jaw dropping than the last. The best part is he goes into details about how the shots were taken.

Image via @daniel_lau / IG
This selfie was taken with Hong Kong’s skyscrapers, and we happen to think he fits right in with them. Just look at that view.
For Christ’s Sake
We can’t believe this selfie was the result of a challenge made by the Brazilian tourism board—can you? You may recognize this statue as Rio de Janeiro’s Christ the Redeemer.

Image via @flashpack / Twitter
Lee Thompson rose up to the challenge and got this sick selfie and he even looks strong while posing with the 30-meter-high statue. We can’t think of anyone getting a better selfie and we wonder who won the challenge.