The Most Iconic Works of Art You Can Find at MoMA

Like many other leading museums around the world, MoMA is currently offering a virtual tour, and it’s definitely worth taking since it houses some of the most iconic works of modern art that you can’t see anywhere else.

Vincent van Gogh – The Starry Night

We’ve been seeing replicas of Vincent van Gogh’s most iconic painting on everything from postcards and notebooks to clothes and shoes, but if you want to see it in the flash – the Museum of Modern Art in NYC is a place to be.

Pablo Picasso – Les Demoiselles d’Avignon

Picasso’s works of art are scattered all around the world, and you usually have to go to his home country of Spain to see them, but one of his most iconic paintings found its home in New York.  

Salvador Dalì – The Persistence of Memory

Dalì is another Spanish master whose works you can explore at MoMA, especially since this museum happens to house one of his most recognizable surreal paintings, which shows a collection of melting clocks.