The Reason First Class Tickets Are So Expensive

People in a private plane
Photo by RODNAE Productions from PEXELS

There’s an old saying that you get what you pay for in life, and therefore it would seem pretty obvious why first-class tickets are as expensive as they are. Big, comfy, and spacious seats, flight attendants treating you a bit nicer (let’s be real), better food, and just an overall better experience—should equal a higher price ticket, right? Well… this article isn’t exactly here to dissect why these seats are more pricey. We’re here to explain why they’re ridiculously more pricey.

People Can Afford It

It’s really that simple. You might think to yourself that you’d be willing to spend a few hundred dollars more for a first-class ticket, but there are much richer people out there who’d be happy to spend a few thousand dollars more for that same first-class seat, and it wouldn’t even cause a dent into their bank account.

The fact of the matter is, many people who commonly fly first class aren’t exactly paying with money they don’t have. They aren’t scraping the bottom of the barrel. These are people with serious chunk change to spare, and the airlines know it. So next time you’re wondering why a first-class ticket is at least $2,000 more than an economy seat, this is the reason why. You have your one percenters to thank!