The Stunning Namib Desert of Ethiopia

Image by rmferreira from Pixabay

Deserts are always such beautiful pieces of nature that make us realize how small we are in comparison. Despite what people think that the desert doesn’t have enough wildlife or that it might be too dry to breed an ecosystem, it is not true.

Despite it being a vast place, it has a thriving climate for desert animals and also has some of the most beautiful sunsets in the world.

Check out some amazing pictures from the Namib desert in Ethiopia.

Mother Nature’s Animals

Some people say that the Nambi desert is one of the most beautiful deserts they’ve ever seen. It’s certainly the oldest – so what kinds of animals inhabit this place you might ask? Well, it includes baboons, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas and even bat-eared foxes as well as reptiles and small mammals. Make sure to keep your eyes peeled for Hartmann’s Zebra!

Vast Place

Namib is an Ethiopian word that comes from the original word Khoekhoegowab, which translates to vast place. This unique biome is home to the Swakop River, Kuiseb Ricer, the Cunene River and many more, which brings with it many different types of animals that can thrive in this biome.