Things You Should Know Before Traveling to India

Tips for India
Amritsar, India. Photo by Ravi N Jha on Unsplash

The second most populous and seventh largest country in the world, India obviously has quite a bit to offer travelers. In fact, there is so much that it can be kind of overwhelming to visit for the first time, especially if you come from a culture that is quite different from the Indian culture, which most are. So to make sure that you don’t have a culture shock, here are some things you should know before traveling to India.

Be Prepared for Pollution

Unfortunately, India is one of the most polluted countries in the world, which means that for your own safety, it’s best to bring a mask that can protect you from hazardous air quality. But you should already have one of those these days, anyway.

Poverty is Real

India is notoriously overpopulated, with a very high poverty rate throughout the country. That means that seeing a lot of people begging on the street is unavoidable. It can be a lot to take in at first, so it’s good to be emotionally prepared.

Watch What You Eat

You may have heard of the phenomenon of “Delhi belly”, which is the tummy ache that can happen from suddenly eating lots of spicy foods that you probably wouldn’t have usually. So go ahead and enjoy the local cuisine, but avoid anything that looks sketchy. Bringing Pepto and/or a probiotic with you can be a good idea.