If you have never been hiking, but you are planning to, then you should know that this outdoor activity requires appropriate equipment and proper outfits. These are the things you should wear when going on a hiking adventure.
Hiking boots
Don’t even consider going hiking if you don’t own a good pair of hiking boots. Walking in sneakers could hurt your feet. Also, another great advice is to wear two pairs of socks: one pair of thin cotton socks that will absorb sweat, and a thicker pair of hiking socks.
Comfy outfit
Stretchy trousers will make your hiking a lot more comfortable. A long sleeved top will protect you from the sun and from sunburn. Dress in layers, so you’ll be able to easily adapt to sudden weather changes. Also, if you don’t want to get soaking wet in case of rain, bring with you a raincoat.
Hat and sunglasses
A hat covers your head, neck and ears and protects you from getting a sunstroke. Sunglasses are also a must, regardless the season and the weather.
A backpack
A comfy backpack is a must-have for hikers. You don’t want to carry an uncomfortable backpack, that will hurt your back, when you should be focus on your walking. Some backpacks have features designed for hiking. The best option is to buy a backpack that comes with a built-in rain cover.