How To Take Better Photos While Traveling

Travel photos
Photo by Štefan Štefančík on Unsplash

Everybody likes to take photos on vacation—after all, you want to remember those amazing experiences, don’t you? But some people are really interested in travel photography to the point that they’re willing to invest more in cameras and understanding how to take beautiful photos. So if you consider yourself an amateur travel photographer, here are some tips.

Think About Lighting

As a general rule, there are certain lighting conditions that just won’t be able to create nice photos. These include direct sunlight, which is universally unflattering. On the other hand, there are some lighting conditions like dusk that are perfect for photos. So try to avoid taking photos in direct sunlight—move your subject to the shade instead if you can—and keep your camera out for the hour after sunset.

Follow the Rule of Thirds

In photography, there’s a well-known rule called the rule of thirds that can help you get great composition every time. Just imagine the frame of your photo divided into three horizontal and three vertical lines. Ideally, when you take photos, your subject will be on one of those lines, rather than dead center. It’s very aesthetically pleasing and makes it look like you know what you’re doing.