Tips for Dealing With Travel Anxiety

Man looking anxious on bed
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels

From delayed flights and lost luggage to hidden fees and language barriers, traveling certainly offers its fair share of potentially stressful situations. Don’t get us wrong, there’s plenty to love about traveling as well, but we’d be lying if we said all of our trips had been 100% smooth sailing.

We try our best to plan ahead, but sometimes problems arise that are out of our control. While there’s nothing we can do to change that, we have learned a thing or two about how to stay calm when travel anxiety rears its ugly head.

Leave Early

There’s nothing worse when you’re already stressed about travel than worrying you’ll miss your flight. Give yourself plenty of time for any unexpected delays by leaving for the airport several hours in advance. Worst case, you’ll have extra time to relax at the gate before you board.

Bring Your Own Food, Where Possible

There’s a reason comedians joke about airplane food time and time again. It’ll do in a pinch, but knowing you’ve got your favorite meal to look forward to can be an incredible source of calm in an otherwise stressful situation. Just be sure to check what’s permitted for your particular airline.

Pack Accordingly

While it’s not always possible to fit all of your belongings into a carry-on bag, it is a good idea to pack an extra set of clothes that you can wear if your suitcase is lost. We also recommend keeping any other essentials like medication on you, just in case.