Top 3 Things to Do At Mount Rushmore Besides Seeing The Sculptures

Mount Rushmore, South Dakota, USA
Mount Rushmore, South Dakota, USA. Photo by Heath Hughes on Unsplash

More than two million people flock to Mount Rushmore, South Dakota, annually to marvel at the colossal sculptures of four American presidents – George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. But staring at the carved stone isn’t the only interesting thing to do here. It turns out that Mount Rushmore offers other fun activities.

Go on a Hike

If you are an outdoorsy person, then make sure you bring your hiking gear when visiting Mount Rushmore. You can warm up with Presidential Trail and see the sculptures up close before testing out the trails to Sculptor’s Studio and Borglum View Terrace.

Check Out Sculptor’s Studio

Sculptor’s Studio is a building used by sculptor Gutzon Borglum as an on-site studio while he worked on Mount Rushmore. You will be able to see the original plaster scale model for the monuments, and some objects from the era, and learn more about Borglum and the process of carving the sculptures.

Camp at Horsethief Lake

Since you are already there, why not stick around and enjoy other activities? Just a few minutes from the monument is Horsethief Lake campground, operated by National Forest Service. You’ll find here everything you need for a great camping experience and have a base for other activities like fishing, rock climbing, and mountain biking.