Top 3 Tips for Planning a Budget-Friendly Workation

Workation. Mix business and pleasure.
Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

Workations are one of the most popular trends in the world of travel right now. They allow you to mix business and pleasure, but earning more money than you spend should be your priority. If you’re struggling to make your workation budget-friendly, these three tips will get you there.

Accommodation Choice

To fully experience a new place during a workation, you should stick around for a few weeks. Renting place day-to-day isn’t the ideal option in this case and looking for a local place to stay at once you reach your workation destination is a great money saver.

Eating Habits

It’s totally fine if you want to try some local specialties during your visit, but remember not to go overboard and don’t eat at overpriced restaurants every day. Trying street food, eating at local places, and preparing your own food with produce you bought at the market will save you a lot of cash.

Destination Pick

Your destination choice can make or break your workation. Countries with a high living standard have a lot to offer, but cheap prices aren’t one of those things. You should aim for destinations that are generally considered as affordable and compare the prices of accommodation, food, transportation, and other important expenses before your trip.