Using Jet-Lag To Your Advantage

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

If you’ve ever gone through jetlag, you know how hard it can be. You’ve gotten used to a certain time zone, and then all of the sudden you find yourself in a completely different one, and your body doesn’t know how to handle it. This can cause sleepless nights, tiredness at random hours, and overall, just a loopy feeling. Eventually you’ll get over it, but we’re here to say that there’s actually a benefit to having jet lag. Here’s how to take advantage of it.

The Waking Hours

If you’re someone who’s been trying to wake up earlier in general, being super jet-lagged can be a dream come true for you. When you’re in a routine where you’ve been waking up later than you’d like, it can seem almost impossible to change things up. But being jet-lagged kind of forces you to be up at funky hours, so you can actually take advantage of this volatile time to rewire your internal clock to how you like it.

As your body starts getting more and more used to your current timezone, you need to fight hard to keep the same new hours that you’ve gotten used to. Instead of going back to your old ways, this is a unique opportunity for you to turn over a new leaf.