Want to Take a Work-ation? Consider These Pros and Cons

work vacation
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Workations (sometimes spelled as workcations) are becoming increasingly popular among travelers who want to take a trip without getting behind on their work. But while mixing work and leisure can have its benefits, it can also have plenty of cons.

If you are thinking about taking a work-ation, make sure to consider these pros and cons first.

Pro: Work Will Feel More Exciting

Doing your work while on vacation will make it more exciting. You will get a break from your usual work routine and get more motivated to finish up the work, so you have more time to explore new destinations and take advantage of other opportunities.

Con: It’s Not a Proper Vacation

Despite the name, work-ation isn’t a proper vacation. Knowing that you have to get some work done before enjoying the vacation part comes with pressure. You won’t be able to relax and clear your head, and you might think about work even when doing something else.

Pro: It Will Prevent Burnout and Stress

Burnouts are very common in today’s society. A lot of people are focused so much on their work that they tend to overlook their wellbeing. With work-ation, you will still be able to appease the workaholic in you while also allowing yourself a well-deserved break and getting rid of the stress by engaging in fun activities and clearing your thoughts.

Con: You’ll Get Easily Distracted

When you have a work routine and work in familiar surroundings, it is easy to tune out distractions. When on work-ation, things are not that simple. It is easy to get distracted as unexpected circumstances are more frequent, and the thought of the “vacation” part is too appealing not to indulge in it.