Why Most Cruise Ships Are White

Have you ever tried to keep a white item clean? You probably have, and you know that it’s more difficult than with stuff in any other color. But why, then, are almost all cruise ships white? There’s a good reason for this.

The main reason for this is the temperature. Cruises are typically popular in warmer parts of the world, so painting the ship white helps keep it cooler. The same thing applies to most commercial airplanes, too. Another reason is that white ships look elegant, clean, and expensive, which attracts the customers.

This doesn’t mean that all the ships are white. There are colorful ships today, and in the past they were mostly dark. Around the 1930s, people experimented with shades of green, and red has been popular for ships in the 1980s.

Some ships today are used as a canvas for artists to decorate, so it’s not unusual to see cruise ships with amazing artwork on them.