Why You Shouldn’t Take Your Laptop When You Travel

Photo by Bram Naus on Unsplash

We get it—you’re super invested in that latest Netflix drama and you want to keep tabs on it while you’re abroad. Or maybe you just don’t like being away from your Mac. Or maybe you’re a producer who needs a laptop in order to get your work done. However, if you’re going traveling for a few weeks, here’s our argument for why you should leave it at home.

Work Can Wait

If your reason for bringing a laptop has to do with work, we honestly think that you should leave it for later. It’s unhealthy to constantly be working on the same thing for days and days on end. Even if it’s something you’re passionate about, a few weeks away from it could be exactly what you need.

Disconnect From Entertainment

If you’re obsessed with watching Netflix, Hulu, or YouTube, you need to disconnect yourself from all that. The whole point of traveling is to escape from your daily routine—and that includes your zombie-like tendency to binge-watch shows over and over again.

It’s Risky

The fact of the matter is, there’s a good chance something bad could happen to your laptop while you’re abroad. You might drop it on some hike, or leave it at some bus station. There are many crooked strangers abroad, which means it can also get stolen.