3 Amazing and Budget-Friendly Experiences That You Must Try When Traveling Solo

Solo travel
Photo by Atikh Bana on Unsplash

Traveling solo can be an adventure of a lifetime, especially if you fill your trip with amazing new experiences. If you’re traveling on a budget, you want to stick to experiences that come with a low price tag, and these three are a good place to start.

Hostel Stays

The best way to save money when traveling solo is to stay at hostels, but being the cheapest type of accommodation isn’t their only advantage. The best thing about hostels is that you’ll always be surrounded by other passionate solo travelers and you’ll end up making a lot of friends along the way.

Free Walking Tours

Another amazing way to meet new people during solo travels? Just join a free walking tour! Even if you’re not in it to make friends, you’re going to enjoy these tours because you’ll get to learn a lot about the city you’re visiting in just a few hours.

Trying Street Food

If you’re a passionate foodie and want to get a taste of local culture, there’s no need to go to fancy restaurants with sky-high prices. Street food usually offers the best window into the eating habits of the local community, and it will allow you to immerse yourself in the local culture without spending a fortune.