3 Benefits to Traveling Alone

Photo by Iswanto Arif on Unsplash

Most new travelers go through the same dilemma when they first plan their trip. Should you go alone or with a friend? It’s a valid question, and there’s no eternal correct answer. It really depends on who you are, where you are in life, and what you’re looking for. But to make the case for traveling alone, here are three reasons why we believe it’s awesome.

Discovering Yourself

As fun as it is to travel with friends or family, there’s something really therapeutic about traveling on your own. Just like seeing new countries is refreshing, isolating yourself from the people you’re accustomed to seeing is a great way to learn more about yourself than you never have before.

Becoming More Independent

In addition to just learning about yourself, being alone on the road will require you to do things you’ve never done before. You’ll learn how to be more independent, navigating new towns and meeting strangers without a known face in sight. Anything in the past that you’ve normally relied on someone else to do, now it’s your responsibility to do it.

You Make The Decisions

Finally, another reason traveling alone is awesome is that there’s no one you have to answer to. You decide on your budget, you decide what hostel to stay at, and you decide what awesome new cuisine you want to try. The world is your oyster!