3 Breathtaking Natural Wonders You Can Only See in Colombia

Tatacoa Desert, Colombia
Photo by Paola Galimberti on Unsplash

Colombia encompasses everything from rainforest and highlands to grasslands and deserts, and it will leave you in awe with its diversity. The natural beauty of this South American country knows no bounds, and we’re bringing you some breathtaking wonders that you shouldn’t miss during your visit.

Caño Cristales

Located in the heart of the Serrania de la Macarena, Caño Cristales is the most colorful river that you’ll ever come across. It’s also known as the “river of five colors” or the “liquid rainbow” thanks to its striking blend of bright colors, caused by aquatic plants that grow in the water.

Valle de Cocora

Los Nevados National Natural Park is home to many stunning natural wonders, but none of them compares to the Cocora Valley. It’s best known for being home to towering Quindío wax palm trees that can grow up to 60 meters and just happen to be the national tree of Colombia.

Tatacoa Desert

As mentioned before, Colombia is also home to deserted landscapes, and the Tatacoa Desert is the most stunning of them all. It’s a popular location for hiking and stargazing, and it will win you over with its showstopping canyons, unique rock formations, and red sand stretching for miles.