3 Expensive Travel Experiences That Simply Aren’t Worth It

Luxury hotels aren't worth the money
Photo by RKTKN on Unsplash

It’s easy to fall into tourist traps on your travels and pay extra for things that aren’t really making your trip any better. That happens to be the case with some of the most popular “luxury” tourist experiences, and here are three that aren’t really worth the extra money.

Fancy Hotels

Hotels are becoming a thing of the past in the era of Airbnb, and it’s not difficult to see why. Hotels come with many amenities that may seem amazing at first, but you’ll end up paying extra for many things you don’t need. Staying at an Airbnb feels more relaxing and freeing and you’ll save a lot of money that you can use on better things.

Business Class

Paying 5-10 times extra to sit in a business class isn’t worth it, especially when it comes to short trips. If you’re not spending at least five hours on the plane, it doesn’t really make much difference where you sit because you won’t be flying for long enough to spend a fortune.

Michelin-Star Restaurants

Unless you’re really, really, really into food, spending hundreds of bucks on a meal at a Michelin three-star restaurant isn’t really worth the hustle. If you simply want to try some local specialties, there’s no need to break the bank, because some of the most delicious traditional dishes usually come at a pretty low price.