3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Packing Toiletries for Your Next Trip

We all face many packing dilemmas when preparing for our trip, and bringing toiletries is one of the biggest. You can easily decide if you should pack your shampoo or shower gel by answering three simple questions.

Where Am I Staying?

If you’re staying at a hotel or Airbnb, your accommodation will be equipped with all the necessary toiletries. That’s probably not the case if you decided to go with a cheap hostel, because they’re usually not included in the price at this type of accommodation.

How Long Is My Trip?

You shouldn’t bring a whole bottle of shampoo for a trip that only lasts for a couple of days, and opt for tiny travel bottles instead. If you’re staying on the road for a couple of months, you can skip bringing toiletries all together because you can easily buy them in your destination country.

Am I Traveling Light?

Never forget that your toiletries shouldn’t weight more than 100ml if you’re bringing them inside your carry-on. Remember this rule whenever you’re traveling light so security wouldn’t throw them away.