3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Waste Money on Souvenirs

Most travelers can’t imagine coming back home without buying some souvenirs for their loved ones, but this is one of the most wasteful travel habits. Souvenirs are often too overpriced and they’ll make you go over your budget, and here are three reasons why you should probably stop buying them.

Taking Up Space

In addition to costing you a fortune, finding room four souvenirs in your suitcase can turn into a nightmare. Your luggage space will be extremely limited, and packing souvenirs will just be a drag—especially since some of them can break along the way and prove to be completely worthless.

Cheaper Alternatives

Souvenirs are often overpriced, but there are some free alternatives worth considering if you insist on taking them home. For example, maps, coins, pebbles, and seashells from the beach won’t cost you anything, and they allow you to add a personal touch to your gifts.

True Appreciation?

At the end of the day, souvenirs are only worth buying if the people you’re buying them for truly appreciate them. Many people are not that crazy about them and think they just gather dust, so try to surprise them with a different, more affordable gift that they’ll actually like.