3 Things To Do On a Long Layover

Sleeping in the airport
Photo by Jay Wen on Unsplash

One of the hardest things about traveling is that sometimes you don’t have a direct flight. Cheaper options sometimes require sacrifice, and sometimes that sacrifice comes in the form of a long layover—where you’ll be then tasked with finding something to do for multiple hours on end in a foreign airport that you’re not quite comfortable with. If you’re in that situation, here are three fun things you can do while on a long layover.

Leave the Airport

This option only works if your layover truly is very long—at least six hours, for instance. If that’s the case, and your layover is during the day, there’s no reason you can’t leave the airport and explore the very city you’re in. Not only will you kill the time easily, but you’ll discover a new city in the process.

Get Work Done

Another great way to kill time while on a long layover is to simply get work done. Whether it’s for your job, or a personal creative project, you’ll be surprised how quickly time can go by when you’re focusing on being productive.

Explore The Airport

Every airport is different, and some of them are downright amazing. If you happen to be in a famously popular airport, do yourself a favor and explore the place to find out why people love it so much.