A Safe Way to Take a Road Trip During Pandemic

Regular traveling is still not an option, but we totally understand the need to get out of the house for a few days. Road tripping is probably one of the safest ways to do it right now. Here’s how to stay safe on a road trip.


The place you have in mind may currently have some restrictions, so make sure you’re informed. Pack enough disinfecting products, gloves, and face masks. Get enough food so you don’t have to make stops to buy things and create risky situations.

During Trip

Keep the recommended distance from the other people at all times. Use hand sanitizers regularly or wash your hands if there’s a chance. If you have to stop for gas, use gloves and throw them out immediately after you’re done. If you plan to go for dinner at your destination, make sure to sit outside and confirm that the restaurant allows the physical distance between guests.


After Trip

When you get home, throw all the clothes in the washing machine. Disinfect all the other things including your suitcase. If possible, stay home for at least a few days and consider not going to work if you can.