Best Ways to Take Couple Photos During Your Travels

Best Ways to Take Couple Photos During Your Travels
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

We all want to take amazing memories from our travels back home with us, and taking photos is one of the best ways to do it. That’s especially the case if you’re hitting the road with your significant other, and here are some of the best ways to take travel photos as a couple.


Tripods became extremely popular with traveling couples because they allow you to take amazing photos even when no one else is around. You can achieve really great results without asking others for help, but keep in mind it won’t be so easy to carry the tripod around and set it up every time.


Selfies should be your last resort and they’ll never look as good as photos taken with a regular camera, but they’re sometimes the only option. Having a selfie stick comes in handy because you’ll get a better shot than you would by just using your arm, and they’re much easier to carry than tripods.

Ask a Stranger

If using a tripod seems too embarrassing for your taste, you can always ask other people to help you out. You should opt for people who look friendly and approachable, especially other traveling couples or families. You can return the favor by offering to take a photo for them, but keep in mind you won’t be in control of how your photo turns out.