Divine Flower Festivals in Europe

Europe is home to a great variety of stunning flower festivals. If you are a curious traveler and want to discover something new, then you really need to pay these festivals a visit.

Battle of Flowers, Jersey

Located on the British island of Jersey found just off of the French coast of Brittany is the island’s annual flower festival. You can experience a panoply of performance art, street entertainers, funfair, dancing, and glorious flower floats. There really is something of the medieval festival in the air.

Genzano Infiorata, Italy

This majestic flower festival takes place every June since 1778in the town of Genzano. Artists take to the streets and decorate them in mind-boggling flower displays. Each year the artists decide a theme—and they are ususally based on the work of the old Renaissance masters such as Michelangelo or Da Vinci. The work of this flower festival is truly awe inspiring!

Brussels Flower Carpet, Belgium

Every two years a magnificently designed carpet made of flowers is unrolled and presented in front of the city hall. Anyone can witness the deft patterns up close. But those who want to take a better look at the overall pattern will have to pay a little fee to observe the intricate designs from one of the nearby buildings.