Five Incredible Stop Off Points on the Californian Coast

Image by Jan Alexander from Pixabay

Of all the routes I have traveled, the Highway One journey through California has got to be a strong contender for number one. The massive open road is partnered with exceptional views of the ocean. There are also a ton of great spots between San Francisco and Los Angeles to visit. Here are some of our favorites.

Piedras Blancas Elephant Seal Rookery

Along the coast, you will find a beach that is home to hundreds of elephant seals. I’m not sure why they are there, but I am glad I got to witness them on my journey.

Red Woods

Red Woods are a rare and beautiful species of tree, and they are native to California. The Red Wood National Park is a truly breathtaking experience.

Bubblegum Alley

It may sound kind of gross, but bubblegum alley is a fun addition to your Californian road trip. It pretty much is what it says on the tin. And we’re sorry about that.

Big Sur

Big Sur contains some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Willow Creek is my personal favorite. It’s a bit of a hidden gem though, so don’t tell anyone.

Bixby Bridge

No Californian road trip is complete without driving over this iconic bride. It offers phenomenal coastal views and stretches for over 700 feet.