Flight Booking Myths that You Should Know

Photo by Global Residence Index on Unsplash

As fun and enriching as it may be, traveling is an expensive hobby. While you may get away with sleeping in hostels or living off instant noodles during your trip, ticket prices are one thing that is usually out of your control. 

Sure, there are some hacks to get better flight deals, but there are also a lot of myths. Here are some common misconceptions. 

Clearing Your Search History

We’ve all heard it, right? If you search for flights multiple times in your browser, the airline website will be able to detect your interest and shoot you the price. While airlines and online travel agencies do usually access IP addresses, they do so to provide accurate location-related details like language and currency.

Price Changes

Ever been searching for a flight and the price changes drastically mid-way? There are a few reasons this can happen, and no, it’s not to do with your previous search activity. Prices tend to fluctuate all the time, and the increase was most likely due to demand. For example, if a seat is sold, the price rises to the next bracket. 

Browsing incognito

We’re sorry to tell you that searching in an incognito browser doesn’t really do much to get you a better deal. The best way to find cheaper flights is to search 2-8 months ahead for international flights, and 1-3 months ahead for domestic. Try be flexible with dates, and be prepared to purchase the second you find a good deal!