How Digital Nomads Are Coping With Quarantine

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

There’s a group of people who are actually better at coping with the quarantine than most, and it’s the same group of people who are used to always being on the go. We’re talking about digital nomads, people who are able to take their job with them wherever they go and who are constantly traveling. How’s this possible?

They Were Already Working Remote

Working remotely is nothing new for digital nomads. Now that many people are just adjusting to working from home, digital nomads are already the masters of the game, except that they need to stay in one place until the situation changes.

They are Familiar with Uncertainty

The life of a digital nomad comes with uncertainty so this situation is just one of many they are facing. When most of your life is unpredictable, that becomes the norm and it gets easier to handle new situations.

Minimalistic Lifestyle

Digital nomads typically don’t spend a lot of money on offices, cars, or homes, nor do they own a lot of physical things, which is a mindset that’s much needed during a crisis like this.